Converting your money while paying the least amount of fees and getting the lowest fees could be slightly difficult to get from your bank. Also, as you move to a new country, you might not have an address yet under your name, and without an address it will be difficult, merely impossible to open a bank account the traditional way.
As I was looking for the best deal for travellers looking to convert their currency and pay in a different country without the hassle, I found few options.

I decided to go with TransferWise for many reasons. Depending on your needs and objectives, one option might suit you better. For me, my main objective was to convert my Canadian dollars to Great British Pounds and in Euros. That's it.

TransferWise was able to offer me that option with one of the lowest fees and rate while holding many currencies in one account. With their borderless account, it comes with a MasterCard debit card, compatible with Apple Pay, and the account is free! Sadly, you will have to pay for the card*, I had to pay 5 pounds for the card. Their app and website interface is well made and so easy peasy to navigate.

*Might differ
Images are from Transferwise